Saturday, June 25, 2011

POLL: Tie-Breaker!!!


Because the poll ended in a four-way tie, I had to get a tie-breaker. And I did, in the form of one of my friends from film school, a man whose taste in films is almost on par with my own. This guy introduced me to Close Encounters of the Third Kind, was among a group of us that saw Burlesque, and watched Angels in America with me (the first part, anyway). I gave him the years y'all were most interested in -- 1951, 1957, 1964, 1980 -- and asked him to choose. And the year he chose is...


But wait! Just as the polls closed, a tweeter tweeted me their choice, claiming that the poll should have stayed open until midnight instead of midday. You may know her as Concrete Jane, and she demands her vote be counted. So she went with...


Which means I need yet another tie-breaker before deciding once and for all what film year to do (sorry, 1980 champions -- you were loud and proud, but people adore the classic classics). Open for approximatey twenty-four hours:

1 comment:

  1. OK I will also put in for 1964...Remember I am from Chicago, we vote early and this case, I was late...
