Wes Anderson films have always been the reliable source for Costumes with a capital "c" -- the old European hotel setting allows for some old school elegance, even while staying true to the auteur's specific look.
Everyone is given their moment to shine, and there's not a weak link in the bunch -- all 468 actors nail the balance of drama and comedy, and each is recognizably human.2. Mr. Turner, 3. Gone Girl, 4. Selma, 5. We Are the Best!
One of these winning films won more than two! Which one? Find the answer, and more awards, after the jump!
Paul NJ Ottosson, sound designer/sound re-recording mixer/sound supervisor
Lisa Pinero, production sound mixer
Marc Fishman, sound re-recording mixer
From the laser-like ricochets of the bullets, to the sound of flesh getting eviscerated, to the chilling, subtle march of the score as it slowly rises...a perfect soundscape all around.

Bill Nighy as Cliff
A quiet, incredibly moving performance, all glances and carefully-delivered dialogue. Breaks and warms your heart in equal measure.
2. Ben Schnetzer (Pride), 3. Ethan Hawke (Boyhood), 4. Josh Brolin (Inherent Vice), 5. Dominic West (Pride)
"Glory", music and lyrics by Common/John Legend
This was the one that gave me chills. Exactly what I needed at the end of this moving film.2. "Grateful" from Beyond the Lights, 3. "Blackbird" from Beyond the Lights, 4. "Lost Stars" from Begin Again, 5. "Not About Angels" from The Fault in Our Stars
Dan Lemmon/Erik Winquist, visual effects supervisors
Daniel Barrett, animation supervisor
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes
Rise was jaw-dropping; Dawn follows through on that promise by following Bob Belcher's demands: BIGGER -- and MORE!
2. Interstellar, 3. Exodus: Gods and Kings, 4. Godzilla, 5. Guardians of the Galaxy
Gone Girl
Twisted, hilarious, quotable. And boy, does it commit.2. The Homesman, 3. The Grand Budapest Hotel, 4. Inherent Vice, 5. A Walk Among the Tombstones
Stephan O. Gessler, lead art director
Gerald Sullivan, supervising art director
Anna Pinnock, set decorator
The Grand Budapest Hotel
Wes Anderson movies should always win this category, except for that one year where I gave it to Public Enemies over Fantastic Mr. Fox. Other than that.2. Mr. Turner, 3. Birdman, 4. Interstellar, 5. Big Eyes
Mr. Turner
I have only seen two Mike Leigh movies, but both times, I have been left awed by the performances. They're lived-in. Spall's grunts, phlegmy brogue, odd walk, swing of the umbrella, the concentration and controlled pride as he works in front of others, the certainty of his spit. I never doubted a moment.2. Jake Gyllenhaal (Nightcrawler), 3. Ralph Fiennes (The Grand Budapest Hotel), 4. Tommy Lee Jones (The Homesman), 5. Michael Keaton (Birdman)
Mark Nieman, silicone prosthetic creator
Kathrine Gordon, hair department head
Stacey Butterworth, wig maker
Without the makeup, Foxcatcher is terrible.
Tom Cross
I don't know what to do with you if you can't see why. The movie is all about timing, and tempo, and suspense. I was on the edge of my seat, palms sweating, heart palpitating.
The Homesman
I am a sucker for sunsets and fire and prairie and I will not apologize for it.
Beyond the Lights
The performance is equally strong whether she's singing, speaking, or just watching. It's to Gugu's credit that when the film stands still to watch her sing ALL of Nina Simone's "Blackbird" sans music...we don't mind. We're pulled in. She owns that stage, and suddenly we understand Noni the performer and Noni the person.2. Hilary Swank (The Homesman), 3. Agata Kulesza (Ida), 4. Rosamund Pike (Gone Girl), 5. Agata Trzebuchowska (Ida)
Hans Zimmer
Epic, classical, goes for it -- you could say it's out of this world.
2. The Homesman, 3. Birdman, 4. Nightcrawler, 5. The Grand Budapest Hotel
The Homesman
Tempted as I am to give to Linklater for wrangling an ensemble over twelve years, I just have never seen a movie like The Homesman. A strange, challenging, deeply-felt film, with a unique focus on the women of the West. Sensitive yet confrontational; you can feel the head-shaking disdain for what went on, and this is a film that calls for a confident point of view.2. Richard Linklater (Boyhood), 3. J.C. Chandor (A Most Violent Year), 4. Wes Anderson (The Grand Budapest Hotel), 5. Matthew Warchus (Pride)
Stephen Beresford
Balancing a huge cast with no protagonist, hitting all the right moments for laughs and tears -- almost effortlessly. I love that it does not shy away from personal foibles, that it acknowledges the condescension and pecking order that even an organization devoted to acceptance like LGSM is prone to. Complicated film, this one. Beautifully structured.
Mr. Turner
I don't think I've ever been so convinced of someone's natural goodness. She's too real. Have I met her in church? It feels like I have. A warm, welcome performance, surprisingly sensual, that deepens our understanding of Mr. Turner himself.
It really was between this and The Homesman, but I had quite the journey this past year (it's telling that the only other thing that effected me on Pride's level was GMCLA's performance of I Am Harvey Milk last Summer). It's a beautiful film that spoke to me personally, and also happens to be incredibly well-made. Guys, message movies can be fun!
[Updated: Producer nominated in Best Picture, as of 1/13/2017]
And if you must know:
Pride: 4
The Grand Budapest Hotel: 2
The Homesman: 2
Beyond the Lights: 1
Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: 1
Foxcatcher: 1
Fury: 1
Gone Girl: 1
The Homesman: 1
Interstellar: 1
Selma: 1
Whiplash: 1
1 comment:
I can't believe your Best Actor category isn't the Academy's Best Actor category. Those are the dudes who should've been nominated. Easy.
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