Today: Makeup, Supporting Actor, Visual Effects, Original Song, Cinematography, and Editing!
5. CarolJerry DeCarlo, hair department head
Patricia Regan, makeup department head

Therese's makeup tutorial. Carol's blonde locks and sophisticated lips. Abby's whole thing.
4. The Throne

Prince Sado's progressively sallow skin, sunken eyes, and cracked lips as he slowly starves to death. The wizened white slowly taking over King Jeongjo's beard and hair. The careful hairstyles of the ladies of the court.
3. What We Do in the Shadows
Don Brooker, special makeup effects/prosthetics designer
Roger Murray, makeup effects designer
Dannelle Satherley, hair designer

The vampire ball. The lifeless complexions, spattered with blood. The varying hairstyles and facial hair denoting the location and era of a vampire's "turn." And then there's Petyr.
2. The Revenant
Graham Johnston, makeup department head
Sian Grigg/Duncan Jarman, key makeup and prosthetics for Leonardo DiCaprio
Audrey Doyle, key makeup and prosthetics for Tom Hardy
Adrien Morot, special effects makeup department head
Robert Pandini, hair department head
Kathryn L. Blondell, hair stylist for Leonardo DiCaprio

Hugh's gaping wounds following a bear attack. Fitzgerald's surviving patch from a past scalping attempt. The matted, bloody, snotty, icy beards and untamed hair of the pioneers.
1. Mad Max: Fury Road
Lesley Vanderwalt, makeup/hair designer
Damian Martin, prosthetics supervisor
Elka Wardega, senior prosthetics make artist

Immortan Joe's diseased self and flowing locks. Max's parched lips and sunburnt face. Furiosa's war-like patch of black. The scarred, pale, skeleton-like War Boys. The sand blown features of the Vuvalini.
Best Supporting Actor and more after the jump!
Best Supporting Actor and more after the jump!
5. Stanley Tucci as Mitchell GarabedianSpotlight

Moves and talks with the rat-a-tat speed of your typical movie lawyer -- but this one has a beating heart. Tucci captures a bluntness, a need to give the facts as they are, because that's the only way people will listen. And the anger in his eyes, the determination against all odds...he's the only true hero in the movie, I think.
4. Tom Hardy as John Fitzgerald
The Revenant

There is a doubt in his eyes, not exactly fear (that will come later), but of a man who does not see himself as a villain, even as he watches himself do villainous things. Fitz is a survivor, first and foremost, and Hardy allows an interior back and forth between good and evil to play out behind his eyes.
3. Sam Elliott as Karl

Gets one scene to communicate a history of conflicting emotions, and boy does he nail it. Presents a different side of the conversation -- with anger and pain, yes -- but convincingly, achingly, a survivor who is trying hard to forgive. When Sam Elliott chokes up, you better believe I get a lump in my throat.
2. Michael Keaton as Walter "Robby" Robinson

When people talk about the lack of conflict in Spotlight, they're not watching this performance closely. Robby's a good journalist, he has to see all sides -- but you can see where he's actively forcing himself to stay this way. When you realize his own personal stake in this, the way Keaton throws that fact out, simultaneously shouldering all the sins and quickly batting them away, it breaks your heart.
1. Liev Schreiber as Marty Baron

A great quiet performance, Schreiber plays Baron as a man of few words, a man of low-spoken words...but a man who knows how to push without shoving. Even as an outsider navigating the insular world of Boston Catholics -- both within his own paper and otherwise -- Schreiber gives Baron a quiet confidence, the kind that comes when you know you're on the right side.
5. The Martian
Richard Stammers, visual effects supervisor
Neil Corbould/Steve Warner, special effects supervisors
4. Paddington
Mark Holt, special effects supervisor
Nick Dudman, practical creature effects supervisor
Christian Kaestner/Andy Kind, visual effects supervisors
Paul Jones/Juan-Luis Sanchez, lead creature technical director
3. Ex Machina
Richard Conway, special effects supervisor
John Lockwood/Andrew Whitehurst, visual effects supervisors
Neill Gorton/Rob Mayor, Millennium FX prosthetics effects designers

Seamless. Where does the actress end, where do the effects begin?
2. Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Ben Morris/Michael Mulholland, visual effects supervisor
Roger Guyett, ILM visual effects supervisor
Chris Corbould, special effects supervisor
Gustav Hoegen, supervising animatronic designer
1. Mad Max: Fury Road
Andrew Jackson/Tom Wood, visual effects supervisor
Dan Oliver/Andy Williams, special effects supervisor

The crashes, explosions, and stunts are real (my God!). The insane sandstorm and mechanical arm are not (but still!). Gonzo and glorious.
5. "Love Me Like You Do" from Fifty Shades of Grey
music and lyrics by Max Martin/Savan Kotecha/Ilya Salmanzadeh/Ali Payami/Tove Lo
4. "Earned It" from Fifty Shades of Grey
music and lyrics by The Weeknd/Stephan Moccio/Jason "DeHaela" Quenneville/Ahmad Balshe
3. "Simple Song #3" from Youth
music and lyrics by David Lang
2. "Salted Wound" from Fifty Shades of Grey
music and lyrics by Brian West/Gerald Eaton/Sia Furler/Oliver Kraus
1. "Pray 4 My City" from Chi-Raq
music and lyrics by Rico Cox/Robert Amparan/Leroy Griffin, Jr./Nick Cannon
5. Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Daniel Mindel
Makes fantastic use of the landscapes -- and (finally!) of the lightsabers.
4. 45 Years

Lol Crawley
Keeps the focus on Charlotte Rampling, coming up with new ways to externalize her inner turmoil -- the lighting literally goes hot and cold along with her.
3. The Revenant

Emmanuel Lubezki
Natural lighting capturing a jaw-dropping landscape -- breathtaking.
2. Carol

Edward Lachman
Frosty, dreamy, yet every so often a warm glow brings everything into focus.

Sean Baker/Radium Cheung
This is what LA looks like -- warm, colorful, sweaty. And all shot on iPhones. It's the best execution of visualizing the feel of a city since...well, maybe To Live and Die in L.A.
5. CarolAffonso Gonçalves
Not a wasted cut. Gets us into Therese's head without shortchanging the others. At times dreamy, other times straightforward -- but never, ever dull.
4. The Beauty Inside
Yang Jin-mo
Keeps the changes in identity coherent, thank God. Nails the comedic timing, the romantic beats -- but knows when to just lie still and take in a moment. And, of course, the last shot of the film is timed just perfectly.
3. Creed
Claudia Castello/Michael P. Shawver
Effective montage sequences, especially the one that climaxes on bikes. The final fight scene is stupendous, punch for punch, bringing together every member of the ensemble, no matter where they are. Pure adrenaline.
2. Spotlight
Tom McArdle
Clean, economical, un-flashy. Give it credit for maintaining its pitch of horror, keeping you involved with each new revelation; also for its generosity to the ensemble, making sure we get a look at every person in the room.
1. Steve JobsTom McArdle
Clean, economical, un-flashy. Give it credit for maintaining its pitch of horror, keeping you involved with each new revelation; also for its generosity to the ensemble, making sure we get a look at every person in the room.
Elliot Graham
It's why the movie works. This is the guy conducting the orchestra. As I wrote in my original Top Ten, "the rhythms, that rum-pum-pum of a beating heart, the nervous energy that anyone would experience before A Big Day. Slows down for the right moments."
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